Randell Adjei recording

Watch a recording of Randell Adjei, guest speaker
Posted on 04/08/2024

Students and staff had the opportunity to watch a livestream with guest speaker Randell Adjei in March 2024.

  • Watch the recording Note: A music video starts at timestamp 3:39. To skip it, scroll ahead to 7:55.
Topics covered and what to expect

Randell spoke about adversity, resilience, mental health, learning to shift mindset, not letting adversity define you and his personal story of how he transformed negative experiences to positive experiences. He incorporated his poetry throughout the presentation.

About Randell Adjei

Randell Adjei is a poet, activist, arts educator, author, community leader and an inspirational speaker from Scarborough, Ontario. He is the founder of one of Toronto’s largest and longest running youth led initiatives: Reaching intelligent Souls Everywhere (R.I.S.E Edutainment).

Randell went from being arrested at 12 years old, to being named high school valedictorian in a span of five years. He is an inspirational speaker and helps others through his poetry:  www.randelladjei.com/mystory