Tweed Elementary Grade 8 students share flowers and happiness with Moira Place residents

A school is so much more than the learning that takes place in classrooms. It is a community hub. A place where friendships are developed, families are connected, and students are taught the value of being involved with the community and the world around them.

On June 23, 2021, Mrs. Alexander's Grade 8 students joined Dahlia May Flower Farm to deliver bouquets of fresh flowers to seniors at Moira Place - free of charge.

Watching students help unload the crates of flowers, talk with residents and staff of the long term care home and show their care and commitment was very heart warming. We are so proud of the students of Tweed Elementary School for becoming involved in our broader community this year. Although the past year and a half of school has been challenging, students all over HPEDSB have found ways to show care and support during times of need.

A special thank you to T.E.S. families for their support with this project, Melanie from Dahlia May flower farm for creating the non-profit Flowers for Care program, and Alison Masemann from CBC's The Current for covering this story in a feature article.