* * York River PS & North Hastings HS to be open to students Thursday, April 25, Friday, April 26 * *

* * York River PS & North Hastings HS to be open to students Thursday, April 25, Friday, April 26 * *
Posted on 04/25/2013

2:40 p.m., Wednesday, April 25
York River Public School and North Hastings High school will be open to students on Thursday, April 25 and Friday, April 26, 2013. This decision has been made in coordination and cooperation with municipal officials in Bancroft and other partner organizations, based on the following information:

  • Officials from the Town of Bancroft and emergency services officials have advised of a significant decrease in the York River flow rate.
  • The Ministry of Natural Resources has indicated an overall improvement in water levels.
  • All are supportive of students returning to school, with the restrictions noted below.

In order to comply with the requests of municipal officials and emergency services personnel, all students will be required to remain on school property throughout the school day on Thursday and Friday. We know that students will be respectful of municipal and emergency services personnel by cooperating with this requirement.

Student transportation will operate as usual on Thursday and Friday. If you have any questions about your child's transportation, please contact Tri-Board Student Transportation Services at 1.866.569.6638 or www.triboard.on.ca

We recognize that students may be curious about the water levels in town, and recommend that walking students are supervised by an adult to and from school. If your child walks to school, please remind him or her of the dangers involved in being close to fast-moving water.

At this time it looks like conditions are favourable for schools to remain open next week. If this changes, we will provide updates through the local media, on our website www.hpedsb.on.ca and through Twitter at @HPEDSBschools.

This has been an unprecedented time for the Bancroft area. We have tremendous respect for the municipal and emergency services personnel who have been working non-stop to ensure the safety of residents. We wish to express our appreciation for their ongoing collaboration with us.

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]