Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grants for the 2014-2015 school year

Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grants for the 2014-2015 school year

In an effort to encourage parents to become involved in their children's education and to help support student learning, the Ministry of Education is providing funding to support school-based initiatives.

Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grants support the Ministry's goals and key priorities to engage parents who are instrumental in driving the success of our students.

This year, special consideration will be given to applicants who did not receive funding for 2013-2014, and proposals that promote increased access and awareness of math strategies and resources for parents to support their children's learning at home and at school.

Two types of PRO Grants are available:

1. Grants for school councils (maximum of $1,000)

These grants are intended to support school-based initiatives to reach parents who face barriers that prevent them from becoming involved in their children's learning at home and at school. School councils may develop proposals individually, with other school councils in the same board, or with other groups in the school or in the community.

2. Grants for regional/provincial projects (maximum of $30,000)

These grants are available to Parent Involvement Committees (PICs), parent organizations, school boards, non-profit organizations and post-secondary institutions working in partnership with parents to support student achievement and well-being. Eligible projects must align with at least one of the following four strategies of the Ministry's Parent Engagement Policy: 1) Parents as Partners; 2) Welcoming School Board and School Environment for all Parents; 3) Skill Building Opportunities for Parents; and 4) Enhancing Communication between School and Parents.

The deadline for the 2014-2015 PRO Grant submissions is Friday, May 16, 2014. Applications are required to be submitted electronically. For more information, please visit the Ministry of Education website at:

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354,[email protected]