Board Meeting Update #109, June 16, 2014

Board Meeting Update #109, June 16, 2014
Posted on 06/16/2014

This update provides a summary of the public meeting of Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held Monday, June 16, 2014 at the Education Centre. It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting in September 2014.


Celebrating student achievement in Science and Technology
Superintendent Cathy Portt made introductory remarks about students participating in the Quinte Regional Science & Technology Fair, and the Skills Canada Competition. Both events took place earlier in the spring.

Curriculum Coordinators Erna Sorensen and Randy Votary introduced students who participated in each competition, along with QRSTF leaders Scott Berry and Jo-Anne Peckham. Teachers Troy Bartlett and Hilary-Anne Clarke were also in attendance for this celebration.

Students who won awards at the Quinte Regional Science & Technology Fair

  • Cameron Bourdeau, Grade 7, Harry J. Clarke Public School, Destinations Programme, for his project Tea Time.
  • Holly Tetzlaff, Grade 8, Harry J. Clarke Public School, Destinations Programme, for her project Environmental Impact of Shifting Consumer Hygiene Trends. Won Gold, and a $4,000 Entrance Scholarship to Western University.
  • Theresa DeCola, Grade 11, Bayside Secondary School, for her project Localised Potential Implications of Dreissenid Mussel Death and Degradation on Water Quality. Won Bronze, a $1,000 Entrance Scholarship to Western University; the Canadian Stockholm Junior Water Prize (which includes an all-expense paid trip to Stockholm, Sweden, in early September 2014).

Students who won awards at the Ontario Technological Skills Competition

  • Sterling Hattin, North Hastings High School, for his project in Welding. Won Bronze.
  • Ben Anthony, Centennial Secondary School, for his project in Auto Service Technology. Wone Bronze.
  • Cynara Lewis, Prince Edward Collegiate Institute, for her project in Photography. Won Gold. Qualified to go to the national skills competition.

Recognition of 2013-2014 student trustees
Vice-chair Dave Patterson made complimentary remarks about the two outgoing student trustees, Abigail Bonter, Centre Hastings Secondary School; and Meghan Peckham, Trenton High School. He commented about their exceptional work ethic and that the Board has been the recipient of the student voice. During their term, Both Abigail and Meghan identified issues that were important to students, and suggested ways to help address student achievement and well-being. Our best wishes to Abigail and Meghan as they progress to the next phase of their education and life journeys.

Report from Committee of the Whole
This report stated the following:

  • appointment of external auditors for 2014-2015.

Student Trustees
Pictured right: Dave Patterson, Vice-chair of the Board; Meghan Peckham, Student Trustee, Trenton High School; Abigail Bonter, Student Trustee, Centre Hastings Secondary School; Dwayne Inch, Chair of the Board.


2014-2015 Budget
Board members approved the capital and operating budgets for the 2014-2015 school year in the amounts of $9,812,577 and $189,283,234, respectively. These budgets support the organization’s priorities in the system plan, which is known as the AiM-Achievement Motion for Student Success System Plan. They also maintain fiscal integrity in operations, with progress being made in aligning operational costs with available funding and supports.

The 2014-2015 school year marks the full implementation of Full-day Kindergarten (FDK) as the standard core education program for 4- and 5-year-old students. All students enrolled in Kindergarten will now be recognized as full-time students (rather than half-time, as was the previous method). HPEDSB will program for 1,820 FDK students in the fall. The total number of students enrolled in elementary schools is expected to remain relatively flat.

At secondary, a further decline of approximately 280 students is expected. This is a result of the lower number of enrolments at elementary schools in past years now moving into secondary schools.

Borrowing resolution
From time to time it is necessary to borrow funds to meet current expenditures until the current revenues have been received. An operating line of credit is established which states that the loan must not exceed a given limit at any time. The limit is the estimated maximum borrowing the board may require at any one time. Board members approved a recommendation authorizing the borrowing of up to $14,000,000 outstanding at any one time.

Special Education Plan
Board members approved amendments to the Special Education Plan, 2013-2014. Revisions are related to the following programs and services:

  • a new software program for individual education plans, known as IEP Online;
  • updated statistics for student identifications;
  • staffing and staff development;
  • projects involving iPods, iPads and iPhones for students with special education needs;
  • expansion of the Empower Reading Program for students in Grade 2;
  • looking at improving the process for identifying and programming for Gifted students;
  • provincial and demonstration schools in Ontario; and
  • accessibility provisions.

Date and location of the November Board Meeting
The November Board Meeting will be held at at Quinte Mohawk School, Shannonville, on Monday, November 17, 2014. It is a practice of the Board to host one meeting per year at a school within the district. This practice supports our AiM System Plan goal of Community Connections.

The choice of Quinte Mohawk School is significant. At the April Board Meeting, a recommendation to endorse the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association "Charter of Commitment on First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education," was approved. The intent of the Charter is to articulate the support for equality in how native education is being carried out throughout the province. Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board and the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte have shared a valued partnership for many years.


Calendar of events
A number of district and school events are scheduled for the remainder of June 2014.

Upcoming events include the following:

  • Wednesday, July 2: Charity golf tournament for The Hastings and Prince Edward Learning Foundation.
  • July 3 - 5: Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) Annual General Meeting and the
  • Canadian School Board Association Congress 2014 (for Board members).
  • Year-end awards ceremonies, graduation ceremonies at elementary and secondary schools.
  • Thursday, June 26: last day of school.

Report from the Chair
Highlights from this report include the following:

  • an update on the Trustee Retreat hosted at the Education Centre with Mandy Savery-Whiteway, Director of Education.

Report from the Executive Committee
Highlights from this report include the following:

  • Nothing to report at this time.

Report from the Operations and Finance Committee
Highlights from this report include the following:

  • borrowing resolution, as mentioned earlier in this document;
  • paving of parking lots being done at three schools.

Report from the Program and Human Resources Committee
Highlights from this report include the following:

  • presentation and program update by Quinte Adult Education;
  • overview of the Summer School Program for secondary school students;
  • Special Education Plan and November Board Meeting at Quinte Mohawk School, as mentioned earlier in this document.

Report from Staff
Highlights from this report include the following:

  • a list of dates of Board and committee meetings for the 2014-2015 school year.

Reports from Trustees
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • recognition of schools which participated in the Student Vote process related to provincial election in June 2014;
  • recognition of the scholarships received by students in the International Baccalaureate Programme at Moira Secondary School;
  • attendance at the Sir Mackenzie Bowell/Educator of the Year closing ceremony last week;
  • Girls Rugby teams at Bayside Secondary School and Trenton High School; and
    attendance at the Athletic Awards Banquet at Quinte Secondary School.