Bayside schools welcome Canadian author Eric Walters

Bayside schools welcome Canadian author Eric Walters

Students at Bayside schools are looking forward to a visit by Canadian YA (Young Adult) author Eric Walters.

Walters is a former elementary school teacher. He has written more than 90 books. Many of his novels are geared to middle school and high school readers, but he has also penned several books aimed at even younger readers.

Bayside's teen readers are loyal fans. Part of Mr. Walters' appeal is his ability to explore a variety of story-lines. Students know when they go to the Learning Commons (Library), they will find Mr. Walters' titles in Action/Adventure, Choices and Issues, Crime, and even Science Fiction!

Walters' novels have dealt with a huge range of topics: Camp X, bullying, civilizations faced with the loss of technology, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, crossing the desert, preventing an asteroid from hitting the Earth, tribal unrest in Kenya, the earthquake in Haiti, the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean, to name just a few.

Walters will be speaking to Grade 7 and 8 students from Bayside Public School classes, and will also address three Grade 10 English classes at Bayside Secondary School as those students have been reading his Seven series. Book club members are looking forward to their own presentation, as well as a small group writing workshop.

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]