“Say One Nice Thing” campaign re-launched for Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week, November 16 to 20, 2015

“Say One Nice Thing” campaign re-launched for Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week, November 16 to 20, 2015
Posted on 11/13/2015

Say Once Nice Thing campaign re-launched for a second year

Say One Nice Thing, Year 2, is being launched to coincide with Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week.

Initially launched at this time last year, the campaign was so successful it will run again.

Two introductory slogans have been added this year:

  1. Help someone feel included . . . Say One Nice Thing
  2. Help some feel like they belong . . . Say One Nice Thing

"Say One Nice Thing highlights our commitment to promoting well-being throughout the organization. Although it is being launched during Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week, it's really meant to run throughout the whole year,"said Mark Fisher, Superintendent of Education.

Say One Nice Thing is a way for positive comments or stories to be shared at schools, the Education Centre and through families and communities.

Data from school climate surveys completed by students, parents/guardians and school staff in the fall of 2013 provided perceptions about students feeling welcome and included at school. Overwhelmingly, students indicated that welcoming behaviours, such as smiling, saying 'hi' and asking how things are going outside of school all help them to feel welcome.

Posters, post cards and stickers branded with Say One Nice Thing were distributed to schools in early November to use as they wish. Last year there were many examples connected to learning and the curriculum.

Follow the account @SayOneNiceThing and the hashtag #SayOneNiceThing on Twitter.

Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week

The Ministry of Education designates the third week of every November as Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week to help promote safer schools and positive learning environments.

During Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week, November 16-20, 2015, Ontario students, school staff, families and community partners are encouraged to learn more about bullying and its effect on student learning and well-being.

As in previous years, schools will be hosting a variety of bullying awareness events and activities throughout the week.

Connections to the school board strategic plan

The 2015-2020 Strategic Plan includes a priority about well-being. Say One Nice Thing and Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week support that priority through creating welcoming, inclusive and safe learning environments that optimize students' potential.

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]