Re-elected chair and vice-chair for public school board

Re-elected chair and vice-chair for public school board

Trustee Dwayne Inch was re-elected as chair of the Board and Lucille Kyle was re-elected as vice-chair of the Board at the annual public Board meeting held Monday, December 7, 2015. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually each December.

Inch expressed appreciation to fellow Board members for placing their trust in him, once again.

"It is an honour to be chosen to lead the Board for another year. Serving students through public education is our core business. Our focus is on fulfilling our vision to prepare and empower all students for the possibilities of today and tomorrow,"remarked Inch.

Kyle, upon being elected as vice-chair, remarked on learning together and engaging with students.

"It is incredible to be part of such a vibrant learning organization which is so focused on students. Over the past year I have had a huge learning curve and have appreciated the support from other Board members, employees and the community. It is a privilege to serve as vice-chair and, in that role, to continue engaging with the Student Senate,"remarked Kyle.

Inch was first elected to the Board in December 2006 and was acclaimed as a school board trustee in the October 2010 and October 2014 municipal elections. He was appointed Board chair in June 2011, and was re-elected to that role in December 2011, 2012, 2013 , 2014 and now in 2015.

Inch represents South Prince Edward County, with the following schools in his electoral area:

  • Athol-South Marysburgh Public School
  • Pinecrest Memorial Elementary School
  • Queen Elizabeth School (Picton)
  • Prince Edward Collegiate Institute

Kyle was first elected to the Board in the October 2010 municipal elected and was re-elected in October 2014. She was first elected as Board vice-chair in December 2014 and now in 2015.

Kyle represents North Hastings, with the following schools in her electoral area:

  • Bird's Creek Public School
  • Coe Hill School
  • Hermon Public School
  • Maynooth Public School
  • North Hastings High School
  • York River Public School

Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board serves approximately 15,000 students each day at 38 elementary and 8 secondary schools. Supporting student achievement and well-being is the goal of approximately 1,800 teaching and support staff who, in addition to the contributions of caring volunteers and community partners, share their passion for learning and leading.

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]