$2.7 million addition and renovation for Centre Hastings Secondary School

$2.7 million addition and renovation for Centre Hastings Secondary School
Posted on 06/16/2020

June 16, 2020_Positive changes will be happening at Centre Hastings Secondary School in Madoc now that the Board of Trustees has approved a contractor for the school addition and renovation.

Trustees awarded a tender to Peak Engineering & Construction Ltd. in the amount of $2.7 million.


As a result of a pupil accommodation review conducted in 2016-2017, a business case was submitted to the Ministry of Education for a two Kindergarten-room addition, as well as various interior renovations to the existing school in order to consolidate students from Madoc Public School at Centre Hastings Secondary School to create a
K-12 school.

A funding letter was received from the Ministry of Education on March 13, 2018 indicating a total of $3.1 million approved funding for the new consolidated school, plus approval to use $2.7 million in building renewal funds. On April 2, 2020, the Approval to Proceed submission was approved by the Ministry of Education, with an additional Ministry funding amount of $2.7 million, which will include the demolition of Madoc Public School.

Paperwork with the contractor will be finalized this week followed by an initial site meeting. The work will be scheduled in the next few months depending on the contractor's current work schedule.

Kerry Donnell, Communications & Public Relations Manager, [email protected], 613.966.1170, extension 62354
