“Go Fish!” musical at Queen Victoria School, May 4/5, 2016

“Go Fish!” musical at Queen Victoria School, May 4/5, 2016
Posted on 05/16/2016

A tuna fish that can't carry a tune? A star fish that can't get an acting job? A seven-legged octopus? A zebra fish with spots? A tiger shark who wants to be friends with everyone?

Join in the aquatic fun as little Tiger Shark and his unique collection of friends discover how their differences make them each special.

Over 50 JK-Grade 6 students from Queen Victoria School in Belleville will be presenting the musical 'Go Fish' during Education Week .

Public show times are Wednesday, May 4 and Thursday, May 5, 2016, at 6:00 p.m.

Tickets are available by contacting Queen Victoria school, $5 for adults, $3 for students. Proceeds will benefit the Queen Victoria school Arts programs.