The Learning Foundation surpasses fundraising goal of $400,000

The Learning Foundation surpasses fundraising goal of $400,000
Posted on 02/17/2021

February 17, 2021- In October 2020, The HPE Learning Foundation identified areas of need and launched an ambitious Superheroes of Hope ‘Now More than Ever' campaign. The campaign goal was to raise $400,000 to help support the Food for Learning, Student Emergency Fund and Food for Home programs.

As shared in the February 16 new release, the campaign goal has been reached, and for the Food for Learning and Food for Home programs, the fundraising goals have been surpassed! There were 536 donations to the campaign. Of that number, 192 were new donors and the largest donation was $125,000.

Programs supported by the campaign include:

  • The Food for Learning program: ensures that all students have daily access to healthy nutritious food while at school. Food for Learning supports approximately 4000 students a day which works out to 80-100,000 meals a month. FFL also supports an average of 175 students through the virtual program (students learning at home) by providing grocery cards and food vouchers.
  • The Food for Home program: provides students with food support during school breaks in the form of a weekly grocery cards. The program currently supports 226 students.
  • The Student Emergency Fund program: provides financial aid and/or gift-in-kind support to students and families (examples of types of support - food, medical/glasses, clothing, transportation etc.).
  • In addition, the Learning Foundation received 352 Student Emergency Fund requests

The Foundation is hopeful that its fundraising efforts will continue to be successful in this year's Food for Learning Spring Event and Student Emergency Fund Golf Tournament. All contributors are Foundation Superheroes, joining Penny, Harry and Erica in providing equity, fighting poverty and helping the hungry!

For more information about how you can support student well-being and success visit and @TheHPELF.

Learning Foundation