Provincial Learn at Home resources for K-12 during COVID-19

Provincial Learn at Home resources for K-12 during COVID-19
Posted on 03/20/2020

Today, the Ministry of Education announced measures to help students learn while schools are closed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn at Home is a new online portal that provides resources so students can continue their education.

The Ministry of Education has partnered with TVO/TFO for the online resources to be available. Certified tutors will be available to answer questions.

More about the current status of education in Ontario

In addition to the above, the Ministry of Education has announced the following:

  1. all EQAO assessments area cancelled for the remainder of this school year. These include assessments for Reading, Writing and Mathematics for Primary (Grade 3) and Junior (Grade 6); Mathematics for Grade 9; and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test for Grade 10. The OSSLT graduation requirement is waived for this year; and
  2. as of now, all schools in Ontario remain closed until April 5, 2020. The Ministry of Education will take direction from the provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health if any changes are required.

The HPEDSB Senior Team is in contact with one another and the Ministry of Education on a daily basis. Any updates about specifics for our students and families will be announced as soon as possible.

Please continue to follow the advice of health professionals by self-isolating as much as possible, washing your hands and coughing into your elbow. Keep in touch with family, friends, loved ones and neighbours to say ‘hi’ and check on their safety, and to be a caring, supportive contact.

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Manager, extension 62354, [email protected]