Public Board Meeting Update #137: December 5, 2016

Public Board Meeting Update #137: December 5, 2016
Posted on 12/05/2016

This update provides a summary of the public meeting of Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held Monday, December 5, 2016 at the Education Centre. It is an unofficial summary of the meeting official minutes will be approved at the next meeting in January 2017.


Mandy Savery-Whiteway, Director of Education reviewed the process for elections as described in Board Policy No. 2: Governance By-laws and Standing Rules, and also reviewed the committees as described in Board Policy No. 11: Committees of the Board.


Superintendents Trish FitzGibbon and Nick Pfeiffer were appointed as scrutineers for the chair and vice-chair elections.

Election of Chair of the Board
Lucille Kyle, North Hastings trustee, was elected as Chair of the Board.

Election of Vice-chair of the Board
Dave Patterson, Belleville/Thurlow trustee, was elected as Vice-chair of the Board.

Vice-Chair of The Board

Congratulations to Dave Patterson, elected as vice-chair of the Board and Lucille Kyle, elected as chair of the Board.

Standing committees
Trustees selected membership on standing committees. For 2017, standing committees will consist of the following members:

  • Program and Human Resources Committee
    Mike Brant, Jennifer Cobb, Bonnie Danes, Mary Hall, Lucille Kyle and Jim Williams.
    Student trustees Delanie Austin and Saud Bin Hasseeb are also members. The Chair will be Jim Williams. The Vice-chair will be Mary Hall.

  • Operations and Finance Committee
    Tom Biniaris, Mike Brant, Justin Bray, Bonnie Danes, Mary Hall, Dwayne Inch, Lucille Kyle and Dave Patterson. Student trustees Delanie Austin and Saud Bin Hasseeb are also members. The Chair will be Bonnie Danes. The Vice-chair will be Dwayne Inch.

  • Representative to the Board of Directors for the Ontario Public School Boards'Association
    Dave Patterson will be the representative to the Board of Directors for the Ontario Public School Boards'Association (OPSBA). Mary Hall will be the alternate.

  • Executive Committee
    Consists of the Chair, Vice-chair, above-noted standing committee chairs and the OPSBA representative, plus one additional member. Dwayne Inch will be included as past-Chair. Mary Hall will be the elected sixth member.

  • Budget Committee
    Consists of all Board members.

  • Student Enrolment/School Capacity Committee
    Consists of all Board members. The Chair will be Jennifer Cobb. The Vice-chair will be Justin Bray.

Statutory committees
Trustees selected membership on statutory committees. For 2016, statutory committees will consist of the following members:

  • Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
    Justin Bray and Dave Patterson. The two alternate members will be Tom Biniaris and Mary Hall.
  • Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) Committee
    Mike Brant and Jim Williams. Mary Hall will be the alternate.
  • Audit Committee
    Jennifer Cobb, Bonnie Danes and Dave Patterson.
  • Accessibility Committee
  • Jennifer Cobb. Mary Hall will be the alternate.
    Parent Involvement Committee
    Mary Hall. Bonnie Danes will be the alternate.
  • Student Discipline Committee
    Consists of all Board members. They serve on a rotating basis, with three required to participate in each meeting.

Administrative committees
Trustees selected membership on administrative committees. For 2017, administrative committees will consist of the following members:

  • Aboriginal Education Steering Committee
    Mike Brant and Lucille Kyle.
  • Equity and Inclusivity Advisory Committee
    Mike Brant and Lucille Kyle.
  • Great Place Awards Committee
    Dave Patterson and Jim Williams.
  • Instructional Technology Advisory Committee
    Tom Biniaris and Dave Patterson.
  • Leadership Development Steering Committee
    Mary Hall and Lucille Kyle.
  • Safe Schools Advisory Committee
    Justin Bray and Lucille Kyle.
  • Specialist High Skills Major Advisory Committee
    Jennifer Cobb. Dwayne Inch will be the alternate.

External committees

  • Food for Learning Partnership
    Lucille Kyle.

Upcoming meetings

All meetings take place at the Education Centre unless otherwise noted.

  • Thursday, December 8: Special Education Advisory Committee, 5:00 p.m.

For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, extension 2354, [email protected]