Public Board Meeting Update #136: November 21, 2016

Public Board Meeting Update #136: November 21, 2016
Posted on 11/21/2016

This update is a summary of the public meeting of Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held Monday, November 21, 2016 at the Education Centre. It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next meeting.


Showcasing learning at Prince Edward Collegiate Institute
This presentation highlighted excellence in programming, school improvement focus areas and the aspects of Prince Edward Collegiate Institute (web page) that distinguish it as a true community school. Presenters shared stories about the school mission, as well as the caring, welcoming learning environment. From experiential learning to practical/life skills programs, students participate in programs and activities to become globally minded learners and leaders. Partnerships with community organizations expose students to the Arts, cooperative education and dual credit programs (secondary school and college-level courses). Numeracy, literacy and well-being are focus areas for all students. The Prince Edward County pride was evident when PECI welcomed a Syrian family to the school community. The connection to the community extends beyond the school day through numerous extra-curricular activities, fundraising events, collections for the food bank and numerous other events.

Board Meeting 4

Board Meeting 2

Thank you to Darren McFarlane, Principal; Therese McMahon, Vice-principal; Lisa Fraser, Student Success Lead Teacher; Heather Munroe, Head of Special Education; and Matt Ronan, Head of Guidance.

Report from Committee of the Whole Board

This report included the following:

  • Multi-Year Financial Recover Plan
  • Candidates for K-12 principal and vice-principal pools


2015-2016 Audited Financial Statements
Board members approved the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending August 31, 2016. They reflect the board's financial results for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.

2015-2016 capital expenditures
During the year the board spent $12,505,932 on capital asset acquisition/construction. These expenditures are funded through a variety of sources, including capital priorities, school condition improvement, and school renewal grants.

2015-2016 operating results
The audited financial statements result in an in-year surplus of $506,426 and a corresponding in-year deficit for Ministry of Education compliance reporting purposes of $2,567,840. The deficit for compliance purposes exceeds the permitted amounts by Ministry guidelines. The original budget plan forecast was balanced with neither a surplus nor a deficit. When the Revised Estimates for 2015-2016 were submitted to the Ministry, the forecast was for a deficit for compliance purposes of $1.7 million and, subsequently, the board has been instructed to develop a multi-year financial recovery plan.

The deficit is due to an increase in projected expenses that included increased costs for the Administrative Services Only benefit plan, staff replacement, transportation, and legal work. As well, there are significant unplanned costs associated with an arbitration award and an increase in Workplace Safety and Insurance Board actuarial liability.

2016-2017 Policy review
Policies are reviewed every three years to ensure they are still relevant and have been implemented effectively. Changes to legislation and new guidelines also necessitate updates to current policy.

Board members approved revisions and updates were made to the following policies to comply with legislation or regulations:

  • Policy 2: Governance By-Laws and Standing Rules
  • Policy 3-A: Delegations and Presentations
  • Policy 3-D: Board Communications and Media Relations
  • Policy 3-I: Indemnification of Board Members
  • Policy 3-J: Board Review
  • Policy 11: Committees of the Board
  • Policy 11-D: Executive Committee
  • Policy 11-F: Student Enrolment/School Capacity Committee
  • Policy 12: External Committees and Trustee Advocacy

Textbook/novel approval
Board members approved textbooks/novels, as described below:

  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald for Grade 10 English classes
  • Dead White Writer on the Floor by Drew Hayden Taylor for Grade 11 and 12 Native Studies-English classes
  • 3 Plays by Alanis King for Grade 11 and 12 Native Studies-English classes

Borrowing resolution
Board members approved authorizing the borrowing of a sum of up to $21,000,000 from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, in order to meet short term borrowing requirements for various capital school improvements. These projects will include critical improvements to ensure student safety and improve energy efficiency, such as roofing, HVAC, and electrical and plumbing systems. It will also significantly improve more visible elements of schools that affect students' well-being and public confidence, including flooring, walls, ceilings, playing fields and more. This funding is in addition to an existing investment of $1.6 billion over the next two years to ensure Ontario's schools are in a good state of repair.

Recommendation to conduct accommodation reviews in the City of Belleville, Centre Hastings and Prince Edward County
Board members approved recommendations to conduct accommodation reviews for several City of Belleville schools, as well as schools in Centre Hastings and Prince Edward County. Accommodation reviews happen through the school board, with public input, to determine the future of a school or group of schools. Accommodation reviews follow a very specific schedule over about seven months.

Proposed accommodation review for the City of Belleville
Option 1 (the preferred option)

  • Close Hillcrest School and consolidate students at Prince of Wales Public School and Park Dale School for September 2017
  • Revise the boundary for Park Dale School to balance enrolment between Park Dale School and Prince of Wales Public School for September 2017
  • Close Quinte Secondary School and modify boundaries so that some students move to Centennial Secondary School for September 2018
  • Close Moira Secondary School and seek Ministry of Education funding/approval to build a new Grade 9-12 secondary school which consolidates Moira Secondary School and Quinte Secondary School in the east end of Belleville for September 2020
  • Close Queen Elizabeth Public School and Queen Victoria School and seek Ministry of Education funding/approval to build a new
    K-8 elementary school on the Sir Winston Churchill site, and modify boundaries to adjust enrolment pressures on Harry J. Clarke Public School for September 2020
  • Change Sir John A. Macdonald School to a K-6 school for September 2017
  • Relocate Grade 7 and 8 students from Sir John A. Macdonald School to Susanna Moodie Elementary School
  • Relocate the Destinations Programme currently at Moira Secondary School to the new elementary school after construction
  • Explore opportunities for community partnerships aligned with the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan priorities

Option 2

  • Close Hillcrest School and move students to Prince of Wales Public School for September 2017
  • Close Quinte Secondary School and modify the boundaries so that some students move to Centennial Secondary School and others to Moira Secondary School for September 2018
  • Seek Ministry of Education funding/approval to build an addition/renovation at Moira Secondary School for September 2019
  • Close Queen Elizabeth Public School and Queen Victoria School and build a new K-8 elementary school on the Sir Winston Churchill site, and modify boundaries to adjust enrolment pressures on Harry J. Clarke Public School
  • Relocate the Destinations Programme currently at Moira Secondary School to new elementary school
  • Change Sir John A. Macdonald School to a K-6 school for September 2017
  • Relocate Grade 7 and 8 students from Sir John A. Macdonald School to Susanna Moodie Elementary School for September 2017

Proposed accommodation review for Centre Hastings

  • Close Madoc Township Public School and consolidate students to Madoc Public School for September 2017
  • Relocate Grade 7 and 8 students from Madoc Public School to Centre Hastings Secondary School, creating a Grade 7-12 model, for September 2017
  • Explore opportunities for community partnerships aligned with the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan priorities

Proposed accommodation reviews for Prince Edward County

  • Close Pinecrest Memorial Elementary School and Queen Elizabeth School (Picton) and consolidate students at Prince Edward Collegiate Institute for September 2017
  • Close Sophiasburg Central School and move students to Prince Edward Collegiate Institute for September 2018
  • Close C.M.L. Snider School and Kente Public School and seek Ministry of Education funding/approval to build a new K-8 elementary school on the CML Snider property or in Wellington for September 2020
  • Explore opportunities for community partnerships aligned with the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan priorities
    Full reports (web page)

Proposed trustee representation on committees for 2017
Trustee membership on committees will be determined at the annual Board meeting on Monday, December 5, 2016. To facilitate this process, trustees were asked to indicate their 2016-2017 committee preferences in advance of that meeting.


Calendar of events
A number of district and school events (Pdf) are scheduled for the remainder of November and December 2016.

Upcoming events include the following:

  • Friday, November 25: PA Day, no school
  • Thursday, December 2: Feed the Meter breakfast for Food for Learning

Report from the chair
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • This week is Bullying Prevention and Awareness Week in Ontario. It is a time for students, employees, parents/guardians and community to learn more about bullying and its effect on student achievement and well-being. The Well-Being priority in the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan includes the goal to create welcoming, inclusive, safe and accepting learning environments that optimize students' potential. Our award-winning Say One Nice Thing campaign, being launched this week, is a simple way to show kindness and care to others through welcoming behaviours, such as smiling, saying 'hi' and asking how things are going outside school/work.

Report from the Executive Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Board policy review
  • Update on the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test

Report from the Student Enrolment/School Capacity Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Presentation on the Long-Term Capital and Accommodation Plan

Report from the Operations and Finance Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Borrowing resolution
  • Energy and Environmental Services Report

Report from the Program and Human Resources Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Textbook/novel approval
  • Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being
  • Board policy review

Upcoming meetings

All meetings take place at the Education Centre unless otherwise noted.

  • Wednesday, November 23: Parent Involvement Committee
  • Thursday, November 24: Special Education Advisory Committee, 5:00 p.m.
  • Monday, December 5: Annual Public Board meeting
  • Thursday, December 8: Special Education Advisory Committee, 5:00 p.m.

For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, extension 2354, [email protected]