Join in recognizing School Bus Safety Week October 2016

Join in recognizing School Bus Safety Week October 2016
Posted on 10/17/2016

October 17 to 21 is recognized as School Bus Safety Week in Ontario. It is an opportunity for everyone who rides a school bus, or knows someone who rides a school bus, to highlight the importance of school bus safety. In Ontario, more than 800,000 students are transported by bus each school day.

Locally, professionals at our busing partner, Tri-Board Student Transportation Services Inc. work with 32 caring and responsible bus operators and drivers. Each day 10,100 HPEDSB students are transported 23,557 kilometres on 266 bus routes.

This week, Tri-Board Student Transportation Services has identified the following themes to address local safety and driver recognition:

  • Monday: Anti-bullying
  • Tuesday: Safe arrival home
  • Wednesday: Bus driver appreciation
  • Thursday: Distracted driving/behavior
  • Friday: Safe bus loading zones

Everyone has a role to play in promoting healthy relationships and fostering a school climate which encourages positive student behaviours. In the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, the goals to create welcoming, inclusive and safe learning environments that optimize students' potential (Well-Being priority) and to ensure effective management of all resources (Public Confidence priority) demonstrate the HPEDSB commitment to student safety and well-being.

Please join in recognizing School Bus Safety Week!

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]