Students at Moira SS contribute to school improvement, inclusivity

Students at Moira SS contribute to school improvement, inclusivity

The student voice is alive and well at Moira Secondary School. Recently students and staff shared their experiences about school improvement at a conference hosted by the Ministry of Education and attended by approximately 250 students and educators who were involved with the Students as Researchers program.

During the April 2014 conference in Toronto, six students took the lead in a panel presentation to describe the Speak Up in a Box process as well as the student voice and inclusivity initiatives at their school.

Speak Up in a Box is an effective research-based way to engage students in bringing about change at a school. Through the process, students provided a number of insights into what they wanted to change at the school to make it better. That information was used as part of the school improvement process. As well, a video was created by the school's Student Voice Committee to launch Bullying Awareness Week last November.

Watch the students present at the conference (YouTube video).

For more information, please contact:
Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, 613-966-1170 or 1 800 267-4350, extension 2354, [email protected]