Board Meeting Update #105

Board Meeting Update #105
Posted on 03/04/2014

This update provides a summary of the public meeting of Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board held Monday, February 24, 2014 at the Education Centre. It is an unofficial summary of the meeting; official minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting in March 2014.


Learning to Lead: Global leadership at Quinte Secondary School
Trish FitzGibbon, Superintendent of Education, introduced guests from Quinte Secondary School, who were at the meeting to talk about student-led actions at their school. Liane Woodley, Principal, and students Brianna Palmateer, Grade 10, Griffon McCarty, Grade 10, and Scott Shortley, Teacher, presented information related to respecting diversity and inclusivity, creating global citizens and leaders, and bringing important learning opportunities to students at Quinte SS. The group made connections to the AiM-Achievement in Motion for Student Success System Plan regarding organizational goals. In addition, they made connections to the priority of promoting safe, healthy, respectful and inclusive schools and workplaces, as well as connections to the school goals. In particular, they also spoke about the Simon Wiesenthal Tour for Humanity bus that visited Quinte SS last week and the student learning as a result of the presentation.

Report from Committee of the Whole
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • elementary vice-principal pool; and
  • elementary and secondary principal pool.

Tender for the addition at Harry J. Clarke Public School
Board members awarded a tender in the amount of $1.99 million to Dalren Limited. As part of the Capital Priorities Grant Program through the Ministry of Education, funding in the amount of $2,861,972 was approved for HPEDSB to construct a six-classroom addition at Harry J. Clarke Public School to accommodate Full-day Kindergarten and Primary students. Tenders were received from 15 companies.

The project scope will include:

  • construction of four Full-day Kindergarten classrooms;
  • construction of two Primary classrooms; and
  • associated building, parking, site and related improvements.


Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Verbal update describing the highlights of the Board Improvement Plan for Student Achievement.
  • Also reviewed some key points of the four main goals in the plan: Pathways, Literacy, Numeracy, and Community, Culture & Caring. Further presented an in-depth look at the Pathways goal to explain tasks and learning opportunities related to closing the gap for all students.
  • Provided an explanation of the recent connections between the education and childcare sectors through the provincial approach to engaging children of early years age, which is from age 0 to age 6.
  • Thank you to presenters Cathy Portt, Superintendent of Education; Tina Jones, Student Success Lead; and Heather McMaster, Early Years Lead.

Timelines for planning the 2014-2015 budget
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Senior administration has developed a budget task analysis with timelines for the 2014-2015 budget. The tasks reflect the key milestones required to compile revenues and expenditures in order to meet a June 30, 2014 deadline. Administration anticipates a very challenging budget process given the provincial deficit, government restraint and continued enrolment decline.
    2013-2014 Annual Report

Highlights from this report included the following:

  • The publication highlights accomplishments, celebrates learning and recognizes employee contributions to student achievement. It also indicates progress through the AiM-Achievement in Motion for Student Success System Plan. Copies will be provided to schools, trustees and municipalities. Additional copies are available by contacting us. 2013-2014 Annual Report (1.1 MB)

Calendar of events
A number of district and school events are scheduled for the remainder of February and March 2014.

Upcoming events include the following:

  • Thursday, February 27: Intermediate Boys & Girls Basketball Tournament, C.M.L. Snider School (at Prince Edward Collegiate Institute).
  • Friday, February 28: School-wide breakfast at Hillcrest School.
  • Monday, March 3: Belleville Bulls Hockey Players visit to Queen Elizabeth School (Belleville).
  • Friday, March 7: PA Day, no school for all students.
  • Later in March: Parent/Teacher interviews at several schools.
  • Wednesday, April 9: Pink Shirt Day, Celebrating Diversity & Acceptance.
  • Ongoing until April: Prom Project, gently-used formal wear for youth.

Report from the Chair
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Reminder about the regional focus groups. Two have taken place, one in North Hastings and one in
  • Centre Hastings. Three more will take place Belleville, Picton and Trenton next week. Invited participants include parents/guardians and community partners. Sessions for employees and students will take place in late March and early April.

Report from Executive Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Director's Performance Appraisal which will take place in March.

Report from Program & Human Resources Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Presentation by the Speech & Language Services Team.
  • Collaborative learning through the Early Years Network.
  • Update on the Board Improvement Plan for Student Success (BIPSA).
  • A new online tool which will be used to enter and track individual education plans for students.
  • Planning for the school year calendar for 2014-2015.
  • Advance notice of the 2013-2014 Annual Report.

Report from Operations & Finance Committee
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Harry J. Clarke Public School tender.
    Budget timelines.

Reports from Trustees
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Attendance at the Regional Skills Trades event for secondary school students held at Loyalist College last week.
  • Participation in the recent provincial Public Education Symposium which was hosted by the Ontario Public School Boards' Association for trustees.

Reports from Student Trustees
Highlights from this report included the following:

  • Participation in the Student Leadership & Student Voice event with Nick Foley of Celebrate the Hero.
  • Recent Student Senate meeting and planning for the spring Youth Forum. The student senators are considering putting together a handbook to describe the student senate mandate, election process and the annual work.

Upcoming public meetings

All meetings take place at the Education Centre unless otherwise noted.

  • Thursday, February 27: Special Education Advisory Committee, Quinte Secondary School, 5:00 p.m.
  • Monday, March 3: Executive Committee, 11:00 a.m.
  • Monday, March 17: Program and Human Resources Committee, 5:30 p.m.
  • Monday, March 17: Operations and Finance Committee, 7:00 p.m.
  • Monday, March 24: Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

For more information, please contact Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer, extension 2354, [email protected]